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The expansion and contraction of rubber rollers is a problem faced by many printers, and the impact on printing quality is also great. There are many reasons for expansion and contraction, but the root cause is due to the interaction between the rubber and the contact medium.

Expansion and contraction are chemical reactions in which the glue of the rubber roller contacts the medium on the printing press. On the one hand: the substance in the ink dissolves into the gel. On the other hand: the components in the gum are released into the medium. In general, the solvent resistance of a polymer depends on the chemical polarity of the material and media of the ink roller in the chemicals used in printing. Substances of the same polarity dissolve each other, and substances of significantly different polarity resist each other. Non-polar rubber contains only C, H and O particles, which swell when they are in the same non-polar oil, but can be supported in polar liquids such as alcohol. The rubber roller factory analysis leads to a complicated chemical process that causes the ink roller to shrink and expand. Although it is clear that there is no deformation test at present, it can be recognized in the whole industry due to various factors such as temperature and time.

The rubber roller factory's expansion experiments on printing chemicals and rubber rollers are relatively simple. From the long-term experimental results, the factors affecting are: ink composition, pigments, and solvents. The ink roller running at high speed in the printing press not only transfers ink and water, but because the ink absorption of the printing plate is different, the ink roller compensates for the geometric error of these ink sources. Based on years of experience, the rubber roller factory will design precise size, position and hardness of the printing rubber roller to meet the high-scale requirements of the printing machine. Therefore, the processing of these rubber rollers requires very precise machines and long-term processing. process. Whether the rubber roller is expanded or shrunk has a great impact on the printing process.