COPYRIGHT©2019江苏东升胶辊制造有限公司版权所有 备案号:苏ICP备19018806号 网站建设:中企动力常州【后台管理】
In the general case, the rubber roller surface rubber processing refers to the rubber core of the rubber roller. The rubber roller factory is responsible for the rubber surface of the rubber roller core, grinding, etc., according to the customer's requirements, the rubber roller is ground to the required size, color, hardness, etc. . So how is the surface rubber of the coating rubber roller processed?
1. It is necessary to clean the coated rubber core. If it is a new rubber core, it is necessary to wash the oil and impurities on the surface of the iron core with a professional cleaning agent. If the rubber core is relatively old, then the surface glue of the outer layer of the old rubber roller needs to be removed, and the surface of the iron core should be repeatedly cleaned with a professional cleaning agent until it is cleaned. The reason for the repeated cleaning is to ensure the quality of the rubber surface.
2. The surface rubber processing should be rough on the surface of the coated rubber core. The reason why the surface of the iron core should be roughened is to increase the bonding area between the surface of the rubber core and the surface rubber. . Next, sandblasting is required. The rough-treated iron core is sandblasted. It is necessary to pay attention to this part. According to the material of the rubber core, the sandblasting material conforming to the material of the rubber roller core is selected for processing. The purpose of sand blasting is to make The surface of the rubber roller is rougher, and the surface glue is better bonded to the iron core.
3, is to carry out surface glue. After applying the silicone rubber adhesive, the surface of the rubber core after the above treatment is applied according to the customer's requirements, and the surface adhesive effect can be achieved without selecting different surface adhesive materials. The surface-coated rubber roller generally needs a certain vulcanization treatment. After a certain period of vulcanization processing, the rubber core and the surface rubber can be closely bonded, and a surface rubber roller is formed.
4. It is necessary to repeatedly grind the rubber roller, and the surface of the rubber roller is rubberized. It should be polished according to the size and shape required by the customer. If some customers have higher requirements on the surface of the rubber roller, then it is necessary to use a professional grinding machine for the coating rubber roller. Repeated mirror polishing.
Although the processing of the surface rubber of the coating rubber roller is mainly the four parts, it still needs attention for some details. The above is the processing process of the rubber surface rubber. When you are processing the surface glue, you can refer to the above processing steps for processing.